It is an inspection body that, in the interest of the community, under the direction and responsibility of the statutory auditor and subject to generally accepted auditing standards, is responsible for issuing the financial statements and systematically reviewing and evaluating its components and elements that make up the internal control, in a timely and independent manner in the terms indicated by law, statutes and professional pronouncements. [Technical Council of Public Accounting].
This service is provided to the entities that by legal provisions are obliged to have this inspection body and in the companies that by decision of the partners or shareholders so establish.
Our tax audit service is provided in compliance with the functions established in article 207 of the Commercial Code and those established by the control entities, which include, among others:
- Review the financial statements.
- Verify compliance with legal provisions and statutory regulations.
- To ensure the proper safeguarding of the economic resources of society.
- The evaluation of the management of the administration in the development of the corporate purpose of the organizations.
- Review and sign tax returns, responses to requirements and other certifications.
Additionally, we provide our clients with added values that contribute to the continuous improvement of their company.
We have extensive experience as tax auditors in different sectors of the economy in Colombia (Commercial, industrial, services, health, poultry, fuel, etc.).